Celebrating National Poetry Month with poems by Carly Young

Some really beautiful things
It is a beautiful thing
to hold on to your love
And know that life
Is on your side
It is a beautiful thing
When the birds outside are singing
And the music inside is just right
And you’re finishing the last load of laundry
It is a beautiful thing
When your day was a disaster
And your best friend is already at your house
With your favorite ice cream and a movie
It is a beautiful thing
To be married to the guy
Who sees you already
As your best self
It is a beautiful thing
To write a poem
And share your secrets
With those who care
-Carly Young

Waiting for spring
When the days are gray and the nights are cold
Where do you find yourself going?
Deep into your subconscious mind to chew on a thought that hasn’t stopped begging for your attention?
The book you haven’t written or the painting that only exists in your mind's eye?
Or maybe you go deep into the woods
To build yourself a treasured cedar sweat lodge
Like the Finnish used to make
To sweat out your toxins and griefs and fears
And the darker it gets
The more inward you crawl
Until there is nowhere else to go
But to be here
And feel it
And think it
And write it
And say it
And then all of the sudden
Spring returns
-Carly Young